Lex specialis derogat legi generali - "A law governing a specific subject matter overrides a law which only governs general matters."⏎
Jura novit curia - "The court knows the law." Concept that parties to a case do not need to define how the law applies to their case. The court is solely responsible for determining what laws apply.⏎
Leges humanae nascuntur, vivunt, moriuntur - "The laws of man are born, live, and die." Illustrates that laws are made, are in force for a period, and then become obsolete.⏎
Nemo dat quod non habet - [6] The basic rule that a person who does not own property (e.g. a thief) cannot confer it on another except with the true owner's authority (i.e. as his agent). Exceptions to this rule include sales under statutory powers, and cases where the doctrine of estoppel prevents a legal owner from denying a seller's right to sell.⏎
Nemo judex in sua causa - "No one shall be a judge in his own case." Prevents conflict of interest in courts. Often invoked when there is really no conflict, but when there is even the appearance of one.⏎