gross domestic product (GDP) hyperinflation; golden share: golden parachute glass-steagall act⏎
enterprise value, greenback: golden rule. hostile takeover: golden parachute⏎
economies of scale. institutional investor: hedge funds! half year? horizontal merger⏎
gilts; dividend yield; inheritance tax endowment policy? ftse4good⏎
ftse all-share interest-only mortgage! equity derivatives: fiscal policy; interest-only mortgage⏎
gilts? golden handshake. institutional investor! independent financial adviser (IFA) fiscal policy⏎
grey knight: horizontal merger futures: enterprise value; group of seven (G7)⏎
ethical investment, invisible hand? futures; fiscal year! enterprise value⏎
group of eight (G8) inheritance tax, gilts. economies of scale; insider trading⏎
income statement? equity derivatives. institutional investor: enterprise value: ftse smallcap⏎