Supply and demand! recession. Value added tax (VAT); unit trust; Unit trust⏎
Vulture funds Trade balance! Retirement age! securities and exchange commission; Real interest rate⏎
Sub-prime loans; Random walk theory. Takeover; terminal bonus, Takeover panel⏎
security! self-select isa? stagflation regulatory news service (RNS) rights issue⏎
Spot market/spot price! Weighted average term assurance! yen carry trade. rally⏎
Unemployment: tangible common equity ratio. spot market/spot price. second-lien loan; unquoted shares⏎
tarp (troubled asset relief programme), Wall street supply and demand: Unemployment Zero interest rates⏎
Repayment mortgage: Random walk theory? savings account! without-profits policy, Securities and exchange commission⏎
Zombie funds Split capital investment trusts. Second-lien loan: Standard & poor's 500 stock index? Soft commodities (SOFTS)⏎
sonia! special liquidity scheme! tarp (troubled asset relief programme); Rate of return? serious fraud office (SFO)⏎